Digital Paw Blog
Everything about marketing, the latest changes small businesses should look for, and some useful how to guides to help your business online.
How much should you pay for a small website?
Here at Digital Paw, we often get asked how much you should pay for a small website in the UK, so we thought we’d tackle it in this article to give you a few ideas about the answer. The cost of a small website in the UK can really vary depending on quite a few...
A beginners’ Guide To SEO 2023
Looking at building your first website or perhaps you need to develop your existing website to try to attract more potential clients? Then you may have heard the term SEO being tossed around. But what is SEO you may cry? Never fear, check out our beginners’ guide to...
7 helpful tips to improve your website’s SEO in 2023
You may be wondering how you can improve the SEO of your website. Well, you’re in luck because we have got 7 helpful tips to improve your website’s SEO (which is Search Engine Optimisation). Follow these tips and you’ll be drawing the right people to your site, every...
Google Analytics is changing to GA4 July 1st 2023
Google Analytics is changing. The current version, Universal Analytics (known as UA), will be retired on July 1, 2023. A new version, GA4, will replace it. And it is vital that you update your Google Analytics account to keep up to date. Back in March 2022, Google...
Google Analytics For Absolute Beginners 2023
This article will explain, as simply as possible, what Google Analytics is for absolute beginners! Read on to find out more about this incredible free to use marketing tool! Google Analytics is a special tool, provided for free by Google which allows you to get...
5 common website design mistakes 2022
Building an effective online presence is a difficult prospect. There are so many pitfalls, mistakes and hidden algorithms that your website needs to conform to that it can be dizzying trying to ensure you create something effective and efficient. In this post we spin...
You are what you E-A-T – Understanding Google Core Updates and Quality Rating
Google does a LOT of work in search. There is a reason why Google is the behemoth that it is today - handling 92% of all internet searches and valued at nearly $1.8 trillion [1]. However, much of how they operate is a dizzying mystery which can make it very difficult...
Making The Most Of Your Digital Marketing Money 2022
You’ve got yourself a website and IT. LOOKS. AMAZING. Congrats! You’ve taken the first step in getting serious about marketing your business. Now you really need to think about making the most of your marketing money. On it’s own, a well designed and written website...
Build the best domain name for your small business
You’ve built your business from scratch. You’ve sweated, shed tears, and worked through countless days and nights and now you have a growing and successful business to call your own. You’re looking at your marketing now, trying to generate a bit more traction and...
6 Super Important Reasons You Should Be Blogging
In this post we list 6 of the key reasons why you should be running an active blog on your business webpage and just how massive the impact can be of having a regular blog.